Floyd Dyce

Genre: Dance
Contact: Ronen Guha



When you hear the word ‘Dyce’ an instant reaction is to think of gambling. But to think of ‘gambling’ as a fitting description for one of the most talented and prolific, producer /songwriter’s in Dance Music, is not founded. Floyd Dyce does score high when he ‘rolls’ out a song, not through ‘gambling’ or hoping for the best but through outstanding creativity, pioneering ingenuity and hard work.

Floyd Dyce is an innovator in the world of Dance Music, mention “Let Me Be Your Fantasy” (1994 No.1), ‘Euphoria’, ‘Super Hero’ or ‘Trip II to the Moon’ and this is just only a very small oversight to what Floyd Dyce is capable of. Floyd Dyce knows his sound, knows his audience and knows his market, which allows leadership and longevity in his song writing and production career. Through these fundaments Floyd Dyce elevated Baby D, to a status that couldn’t have been done without him, emphasising that ‘All good structures, have firm foundations’, a rationality, which has enabled Floyd Dyce to progress and continually produce and write exceptional songs, from his foundation of creativity.

Floyd’s catalogue of hits is numerous and unlike most underground artistes you can form a list of Floyd’s talented and successful contributions to Dance Music. Producing and writing with acts such as “Acen”, House Crew, Brothers Grimm and DMS, Floyd Dyce’s resplendent talent is unquestionably apparent. However success is not measured in what people know about the artist but by the creator’s own fulfilment and achievement.

Since his departure from ‘Production House’ Floyd has achieved many fulfilments through numerous projects including co-writing critically acclaimed “Element of Surprise” with Inner City Life’s, “Diane Charlemagne”, used for BBC2’s sci-fi show ‘Farscape’, as well as writing with many other talented artists such as Christine Leach (of Indie Band, Baby Fox) and Lenny Fearon who verges more on the RnB sound than Dance Music. Further elements to his talent left further options which were to set up amusic publishing company called ‘Little Dragon Music’, through ‘Bucks Music Group’ and launching Redmaster Records with DJ Wild Child, while fighting Production House for the publishing and recording rights of all his music created during his time there, most would agree, shows an already surmountable level of success.

Creativity is inbred and with that Floyd has managed to progress and develop his ambitions and aspirations in a natural progression. With co-founder DJ Wildchild (Emma Weaver) Redmaster Records has given Floyd the vehicle to build on his talent and extend projects to work on material that has been released via Redmaster Records

‘Baby’ is Floyd’s latest vocal venture, co-written with DJ Wild Child and vocalist Melissa, it has been the catalyst for linking Floyd with Ray Keith again. Ray Keith and Dread Records have stepped it up for Floyd, giving him the props to get on with what he’s good at and paving the way to unleash his songwriting talents on the Drum N Bass scene.

Floyd describes song writing and production as a passion, a challenge and ‘…there is nothing better than getting a buzz in making music and gaining feedback’. This statement must have undoubtedly been derived because he can only get positive feedback from his music.

Floyd Dyce; the name will be rolling off your tongue more than you can imagine and Little Dragon have just started in bringing Dance Music back to where it was in the 90’s with national hits such as ‘Let me be your Fantasy’. As Floyd says “The music industry is fickle but a learning curve and things build overtime. Little Dragon aims to have a decent catalogue of music, in terms of production both underground and mainstream. Drum N Bass is generally well represented and stands out on its own. Things can better for the market and Little Dragon will also concentrate on breaking artists, among other projects!” A statement not to be taken lightly considering that Floyd Dyce has already fulfilled all of these challenges in his career.


Biog written by Medin Anderson of ‘I Am Talented’.


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